Rogues in Paradise Book Review

Barbados has a rich and diverse culture hidden to which remains hidden to all; its history was written by colonialists who enslaved its own workers. Clayton's Book fixes that point of view with a vibrant portrait of Barbados' characters told through first-person accounts, demonstrating a distinct character. Here is the current review that shows the point.

A new Review of "Rogues in Paradise" is out! Read the amazing Blog by Avid Traveler Calum Glenny, who says, "From eagerly opening the book for the first time, I was unable to put it down." Rogues is ensured to make you laugh with characters such as 'Fred' and his amusing courtroom experience trying to conserve the Race Horse Bathing at Pebbles Beach.

Meet ACE: One of the extraordinary Rogues who lived by his wits skirting the law. He got tidy and clear. Today he is working hard and going straight. An example of the character you will see in the island. A captivating man who went astray but took control of his life. Character is what forced the writing of the book. There are lots of examples of virtue in Rogues in Paradise and many lessons to gain from Rogues in Paradise.

Barbados history and heritage


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